Portraits in stock photography
One of my favorite subjects in photography is the face, not necessarily human, animals can produce some really interesting expressions as well.
Unfortunately I am not the kind of person who can ramble the streets and ask people to take their photograph, I am quite shy in that respect, so I look for expressions where I can find them, friends, family, pets, myself.
In stock photography portraits that are different will sell as buyers are probably looking for something other than the perfect business woman, man or the doctor wearing glasses.
Let’s see how you can enhance your portrait shooting experience:
- challenge your model to obtain an expression. Make them laugh, make them comfortable, or simply let them be themselves
- look for the moment, keep shooting till you see that which you are looking for forming on their faces
- light it smart. If you have a certain mood or feeling in mind setup your light to compliment it and enhance it
- don’t be pushy, if it’s not there you can’t make is surface. Reschedule the shot or move on to different images
- bend the rules of composition. Portraits are the best kind of photography to be a rebel about
- don’t think about it too much, just press the button, close your eyes and take a leap of faith
- photoshop it if you have too but be careful not overdo it
- have fun doing this, you will feel it in your shots
Now get out there and happy shooting!